Do you have wood paneling in your house that seems to be so dull and dingy looking? I had this same problem in my home and no matter what chemical treatment I tried to use I couldn�t get away from that dull and dingy look. Then a friend suggested that I try mixing one ounce of olive oil, two ounces of distilled vinegar and one quart of warm water. Mixing only the olive oil and vinegar into the quart of warm water. First take a cloth moistened with the mixture and wipe it onto the wall. Next you will need to take a soft dry cloth and wipe the wall free of any remaining residue. You will be amazed at the result, as I was!! This mixture removes a yellow build up that seems to build up on paneling walls and the olive oil in the mixture puts a shine on your wall that hasn�t been there since the paneling walls have been put in. So for just a few cents you will have your paneling walls looking like you spent a fortune and spent a day cleaning the walls alone.
Last but not least stripping wallpaper and wall border from your walls. Wall paper and wall border has a way of making your house look so beautiful not to mention comfortable but when it comes to making a change you�ll be singing another tune. Removing wallpaper or wall border could take several hours per small room. Who wants to go through all that work in order to have a beautiful new look of wallpaper and wall border? To remove the wallpaper and wall border effortless then make a mixture of warm water and a few tablespoons of vinegar. Place this mixture in a spray bottle and you are ready to go. First go around and tear large pieces of the wallpaper off the wall. After the large pieces or top layer of the wallpaper has been torn off than take your mixture and spray it on the next layer of wallpaper or wall border. After spraying the mixture of water and vinegar on the wall simply peel away the next layer, which is the last layer, then wipe the remaining glue with the mixture of warm water and vinegar with a soft damp rag. In less that an hour your wallpaper and wall border will be down and your walls awaiting the next project.